Cosmetic Injectables

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Double Chin? Bra back fat? We got you. Deoxycholic Acid injections, also more commonly named Belkyra or Kybella, are a non-invasive solution to permanently target and diminish small pockets of fat.


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WHAT ARE FAT DISSOLVE INJECTIONS? Fat dissolve injections, also known as Kybella, Belkyra, or Deoxycholic Acid injections, are non-surgical treatments designed to reduce stubborn, small pockets of fat.

HOW DO FAT DISSOLVE INJECTIONS WORK? Fat dissolve injections contain synthetic deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of fat. When injected into the targeted area, deoxycholic acid destroys fat cells, which are then naturally metabolized and eliminated by the body over time.

WHAT AREAS CAN BE TREATED? Submental, more commonly known as the double chin. Bra rolls or fat deposits around the bra line and underarms. Abdomen, small areas of stubborn fat in the abominal region such as love handles and slight bulge. Knees, for those with localized fat deposits around the knees. 

HOW MANY TREATMENTS DO I NEED & WHEN WILL I SEE RESULTS? Early results can typically become noticeable within the first 4-6 weeks, however optimal results are three months post treatment. The number of treatments needed depends on the amount of volume you would like to dimish and what your final goal may be. While some may achieve full results after one session, others may require multiple treatments. To get a better idea of how many treatments you may need, we invite you to meet with Nurse Melinda for a complimentary consultation. 

HOW LONG DO THE RESULTS LAST? The destroyed fat cells are permanently eliminated from the body.

Morphia Beauty Clinic

1900 Merivale Rd. , Unit #104
Nepean, ON
K2G 4N4


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